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Matthew McDermott: Barrister-at-law


Home: Service

Matthew was called to the bar in 2018. 

Between late 2010 and 2018, Matthew was a solicitor at two national law firms in Brisbane and before that practised as a barrister and solicitor in New Zealand.


Since coming to the bar, he has acted in disputes in the Queensland Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, District Court, Magistrates Court and other disputes tribunals in a broad range of practice areas but particularly in relation to property law (including body corporate and community management issues), planning and environmental law, regulatory enforcement and prosecutions, defamation and general commercial disputes.



Practice Areas

Planning and Environment

Commercial Law

Property and Body Corporate disputes

Local Government

Administrative Law

Regulatory proceedings

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Master of Laws (University of Queensland) 2016

Bachelor of Laws (Victoria University of Wellington) 2006

Bachelor of Arts (Victoria University of Wellington) 2006

Get in Touch

Quay 11 Chambers
Level 11, 95 North Quay

Phone: +61 7 3012 7752

Mobile: +61 406 919 526

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P: +61 7 3012 7752

M: +61 406 919 526

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